Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Phew... that was heated

I know right? I am actually writing a post not long after my last one. I just had to get this down before I lose it from my mind.

In my house live three men and one woman; myself, my brother, mother and father. I am the youngest at Twenty-One and my brother is two and a half years older. This as you can imagine can get quite... well, let's say 'heated'. Different opinions do not fly well in this house, and are often shot down. God help anyone who suggests anything outside of the norm. Alas, this person is 98 percent of the time, always me. 

Anyone who has read my previous posts will see that I do not exactly think inside the box. I have always tried not to, as constant challenging and stretching of the norm is what progresses the human race. New discoveries and establishments of new boundaries, whether they be biological, astronomical, theological, etc. in nature, are always linked to the person who was willing think, and then proceed to  something new and unorthodox. This is how I like to think. Always have done. My dad on the other hand, appears quite the opposite. I think those who have had the blessing of knowing and/or living with their father will find a familiarity in my frustrations here. My dad is very stuck on his opinions, what he says is truth. If he thinks that the weather outside is raining, then it is raining. If he thinks it is sunshine, then it is, no matter what anyone else may see with their own eyes. And no, before you think that I am just having a rant because me and my dad have had an argument, I am not. I refuse to discredit anyone, no matter how much I disagree with their opinion. Always 'Agree to Disagree'

However, tonight has raised many questions, which I need to get down. The first of these is how to open someones mind to the point where they will see the other persons stand point, and then respect it. I fully understand that we humans very much enjoy being comfortable, and being established on what we believe. Every person has a strong opinion on something. I guess.. *sigh* it is 'human nature'. I really do hate that excuse. I myself have changed opinions on many things, before studying my degree I firmly believed that the only true Christianity is that which is western in culture, and sings only the latest and uplifting Christian worship music from the growing Christian celebrity culture. Now I am not so sure (as you can probably tell from my wording). 

Tonight, myself, my dad and brother debated over whether, if a global disaster were to occur, whether natural or otherwise, that meant the human race had to start again with only memories of life before, would society be built on old notions of democracy, countries and ruling minorities?, or would a more utopian society be built that was free of crime, money, debt and corruption. I seemed to be on the losing side. Apparently greed, ruling elitism, a need for money, are all human nature. If we were to start from scratch, we would be much the same as we are today. I choose to believe very differently as I am sure you are aware by now. 

This debate, like all discussions in my household, rose to anger, frustration, and ultimately division. I am now sitting in my room, confused at how people can be so stuck in there ways, to verbally destroy anything new idea or notion that would upset the norm. It annoys to the point of sadness. No two people are united on everything, I accept this. Yet we can at least be responsive to the other party, and try to see their point of view from their position right? If I was confronted by a cannibalistic wizard shaman who believed that image and money is the root of happiness, that the Moon is the wife of the Sun, and that stars are their offspring, where every third offspring needs to be sacrificed to the flying sky spirits, I would try to show them respect and at least attempt to see it from their point of view, however difficult this might be. I accept that many of my opinions need refining, and more research studied in order to actively support them. I accept that I can be wrong, as being wrong is not something to be afraid of, as something can be learnt as a result of it. 

I really hope that our evolution takes us to a stage where all opinion is valid, however new, obscure and weird it may be. Every opinion is welcome, within reason of course. I guess I shall just have to keep my mouth shut, or face the consequences.

Sorry if that sounded like the disjointed ramblings of an opinionated student.
Please feel free to comment and share your view if you agree or disagree with anything that I say.
 If you like what I am writing, then I shall continue to do so. If there is something that I you think I should write about then please tell me. Also, if anyone you know may enjoy my this blog, then please share it with them. 
Thanks again for reading 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

United under God?

First of all, apologies that I have left it so long to write my next post. It was in the pipeline, and now I actually have time. Over the summer I have been working, pretty much full time. This linked with the constant catch up with friends most evenings and everything else that turns up in everyday life, means I have not had much time to sit down and write my thoughts down.

On the agenda was to inform that I have been finally diagnosed with dyslexia, and as I started to write this, the actual report came through the post. This report confirms what I myself, my parents and many past school teachers have suspected. High potential but average grades means that I have either had no interest and did not care, or that I have had a disadvantage to the rest of the general student population. I suppose it is nice to have an excuse for my somewhat poor sentence structure and going off at tangents though. 

The title for this post is 'United under God?'. It is a subject that I have been wrestling with for a while,  whenever I have had a chance to be in my own company. The subject concerns whether the human race can ever be united. To the point where war and poverty would no longer exist, because of a unity with the rest of the world. In the New Testament, particularly in the book of Revelation, the scriptures speak of how one day 'every knee will bow' and all who are saved will be united under God in the new heaven and new earth. 

Yet secularism offers a different approach. Many secularists will argue that all people do not all have to share the same beliefs to share empathy with one another. People do not have to believe the same things to live in mutual cooperation. It is interesting that when a group of Christians are together for any length of time, there will always be separation and classification. It has become a kind of joke among many Christians, 'what denomination are they?'. 
This will always remind me of the classic joke about the 'man on the bridge', which goes like this:

    I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump. I ran over and said: "Stop. Don't do it."
"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.
   "Well, there's so much to live for!"
"Like what?"
   "Are you religious?"
He said, "Yes."
    I said, "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?"
   "Me too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?"
   "Me too. Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?"
   "Wow. Me too. Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?"
"Baptist Church of God."
   "Me too. Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God."
   "Me too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?"
He said: "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."
   I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off. 

Yet, when a small group of Christians who have never met before were to do so, say, in a predominantly Islamic area or nation, the sheer fact that they have Christianity in common is enough. However in a more familiar and comfortable setting the opposite is the case. Why is any kind of empathy toward our fellow human being only aimed toward to the few in a crowd of many. I don't understand!

I think it is fair to say that we have come a long way in our short time on this planet but have a long way to go before I will call our race 'civilised'. We know longer only keep to blood lines or local tribes/clans, but are now (in the broader sense) largely identified with our nationality. Still though, even in a 'United' Kingdom, there is the North-South divide. Then there is what part of the North/South you originate from, in some cases even moving on to where you were born/raised, as if such a thing is in anyway important.

Christianity, and indeed most modern religions hold that under their respective God/s and moral code, the world can be united, just as long as everyone follows that belief system. Anyone who has studied the history of Christianity for any amount of time can see that Christendom (Church governed state) has not and never will work. The same can be seen in many Islamic nations where any shift from the cultural or religious norms is harshly oppressed and eliminated. 
I suppose that yes, if everyone thought the same, believed the same, acted the same, was the same, that global unity would be very possible. This is not however possible, anyway doable, or fair. Logic would then ask the question, and wonder what can actually develop a mutual empathy that can unite the world, eliminate discrimination and break down physical and imaginary man-made borders. This kind of world would not be united under God, but united through shared empathy toward all. I wonder what part religion would play in this, and whether religions would have a positive or negative part to play. 

Any comments to add? Please let me know, I would be very interested to hear agreements and disagreements. I hope my next post won't be so long away this time. 

Thanks for reading :)