Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Eco-friendly Church?

Any one who has had regular lengthly discussions with myself will soon learn that I am a growing eco fanatic.
I find that it is a massive subject that is not talked about enough, and there are many reasons for my caring. I first find it interesting that human-kind today (especially Western cultures and China) view themselves as advanced technologically. When looking back at say pre-historic human, I can see that we as a race are indeed skilled with technology and are moving on from hammers and nails, and onto circuit boards.
But my observation is this, if we power all this development by merely drilling dinosaur remains out of the ground and burning them, I cannot label the human race as advanced.

In our world, OIL has just about replaced the gold in which we apparently base out money on. The price of a barrel of oil is above all else in the stability and success of the stock market and the income of not just big companies, but as the price of things go up as a result of this affects all walking on this earth whether directly or indirectly. This is not advanced. This is just exploitation. I do not have to inform readers about the damage that fossil fuels do to the environment, as it is clear. The speed up of global warming is of a result of us. The industrial revolution has finished, perhaps a renewable energy revolution should be next.

We have the technology today to raise the whole earths peoples living standards higher than the richest man on earth. This is proven (see links below). But what is stopping us? the money. This is a subject I shall not expound in this post but will in time. We have the technology today to power the whole worlds energy needs safely. But not only that, we can have abundance in power if we get rid of fossil fuels and focus on renewables.

To most people, this is hippy talk. Free love stuff. Partly because those who are stereotypically labelled as protesters are the ones who are publicly renouncing fossil fuels, with statements such as 'you are killing the earth'. It is good that at least some people are complaining about this injustice, but is a shame that every day people who stand for this change are put in the same camp as these professional protesters. Killing the earth? No, we are not killing the earth, it has had worse to contend with than human beings, we are just making it uninhabitable for our race. We have to do something about this.

'But what difference can I do?' 'Why should I turn off a light to save energy when Las Vagus is lit up all year round?' Good questions. What can you do? Campaign and complain, make your voice heard. Which leads me nicely onto my next point, the Church. How many billions of Christians are there in the world? Doesn't Genesis command God's people to steward the earth? So why is the Church doing next to nothing to make a difference in this area. If the world Church banded together in the search for sustainability both ecologically, and for resources then such a change would be made. What better Christian example for the world is there than pushing for eco-friendly energy and production??? If every church in the UK pushed for Solar Panels on their buildings roofs, this would make a truly massive difference both to the environment, but also on how people view the church. Solar Panels are visible, and people can see the difference that is trying to be made without having to preach it to people. Money even isn't a problem, as after 25-30 years the things pay for themselves. Along with that, the government are actively supporting the investment in Solar Panels through 'Feed in Tariffs ', where the government pretty much pays you for having them.

The same goes with cars. I have visited many churches where nice BMW's or vintage Jaguar's are parked outside. Surely the purpose of a car is to travel from A to B. Christians are commanded to be in the world but not of it. So why hasn't half the church community invested in electric cars. Power your house with Solar Panels, power your car for free!! And it gives the Christian a positive example, helping with its mission. Granted, some people cannot afford these new electric cars as they are often twice the price of the conventional petrol powered car. However, the money that is saved in the long term by owning one of these vehicles is great.

I hate to get angry, but I am fed up of Christians fighting among themselves over petty things such as differences over communion or baptism, which in comparison are tiny tiny issues. Isn't the increasing melting ice caps a bigger issue, and something God actually gives a crap about!?

Please, as always let me know your thoughts in the comments
Chow x

Links as promised, enjoy.